Sunday, February 15, 2009


There are some lovely people in our Relief Society, so in order to introduce you to them all, we are starting a SPOTLIGHT. It will be fun. Also, we will be doing two.


From: Chicago, Illinois.
Birthday: 27 July 1989
Siblings: One younger brother, Owen. Two very nice parents.
Likes: artsy movies, skirts with pockets, smoothies, Irish hats, her macbook, Chicago, chocolate, Spanish.
Animals: has two dogs, Gilligan and Haley

Fun facts: Rory speaks Spanish, so if you can speak it, please go talk to her in Spanish. It would be so fun. Rory grew up in the city but now lives in the suburbs by the airport. There are lots of trees in Chicago. Once she went to a Coldplay concert with her brother, where it rained paper butterflies and she gave them to her roommate. Her grandma lives in Salt Lake City.


From: West Valley City, Utah
Birthday: 10 October 1988
Siblings: five siblings--two older sisters, Madeline and Elise; two younger sisters, Laurel and Hannah; and a younger brother, Peter. Her parents are very nice too.
Likes: languages, Wives and Daughters, calzone, ASL, red necklaces, the scriptures, sunflowers, North and South, family, church, Swedish fish.
Animals: her sister has a dog named Toffee, and her brother has 10 baby guppies.

Fun facts: Mariah can speak several languages with proficiency, since she is a linguist. She can also identify the sonds you are making by looking voice waves. She is a genius! One day she woke up and had curly hair, so now her hair is curly instead of straight. It is very pretty. She bought three different types of candies for under $1.40 this weekend. They were tasty. She makes terrific bread from scratch. Mariah has five gentlemen lovers: Mr. Darcy, Mr. Thornton, Mr. Roger Hamley, Westley the Dred Pirate Roberts, and Mr. Knightley.


Hey bros! Come to some fabulous enrichment activities starting up next week:

Tuesday Feb. 17th at 7 pm in Apt. 23'
Bring unfinished projects or ones that you want to get started for a night of fun, friends, and craftiness!

Book Group Wednesday Feb. 18th at 7:30 pm in Apt.13
Bring your favorite book and be prepared to talk about it to share ideas with girls of new books to read and pick a book to discuss for next month's book group!

Cooking Group Wednesday Feb. 25th at 6:30 pm in Apt 35
Italian night!!! Bring Italian food to share and copies of recipes.

Movie Group Saturdays Feb. 21st, March 21st, and April 11th at 6 pm in Apt. 27
Come for fun movie nights with the girls!

Monday, February 2, 2009


Welcome to the Relief Society Blog! This is a place for us to know what is going on in everyone's lives and get to know each other better. Feel free to email anything that you would like posted (especially pictures!) to the Compassionate Service committee at